The Kentucky Traditional Bowhunters Association has hosted the annual April "KyTraFest" for 7 years now, and our best attendance was a tad over 350 registered for the course. KTBA also host a shoot in August every year called the "Tyler Roberts Memorial" shoot, which is a fund raiser for National Archery in Schools Program in honor of one of our deceased young members. We have historically treated this as a run of the mill monthly shoot, with proceeds of raffled items going to NASP, to assist a school(s) in purchasing archery equipment. Today we had that annual shoot, with around 70 in attendance. Many expressed the desire for a weekend campout shoot. We have before been requested from attendees to have some type fall rendevouz shoot. The advantages of an entire weekend shoot are many, 1) Many out of state competitors can justify the trip for two, or three days shooting, 2) More donated raffle items, and bidders on said items for fund raising potential, and 3) well..., its fun ! Of course these events dont just "happen", it requires dedicated volunteers, a lot of preplanning, advertising, and just hard work to make it happen. To do all that and have a miserable turnout, would be very disheartening, and potential lost money if it doesnt pan out. I have discussed this briefly with our VP of KTBA, so this is just in the think about it stage. Input of from all that have been to KyTradFest, or any of the KTBA functions, please weigh in, let us know if you are intrested in attending, or intrested in volunteering, as they go hand in hand. We could possibly just treat this as a sat/sun shoot the first year to determine if there is enough intrest. Also the first year will most likely be a 40 target 3-D course, and the American Round, but probably no novelty shots. according to intrest, we may, or may not, have a food vendor. Supply vendors, are of course welcome to any KTBA function. We would utilize the bototm down by the creek for campers, and any shaded areas as the weather will require cooler spots to camp. There are many areas that can cleaned up for campers along field edges, under shade trees. Please feel free to chime and voice any concerns, and or ideas. Thanks ! Randy Grider KTBA president.