This is Wyatt Buschle. On Saturday night I finally got a deer with my 40#Samick Recurve & A wood arrow with a magnus two-blade. Thanks to the ITBA, J.R. for the bow and Todd Hunt for the wood arrows. This is my first Big Game Bow Kill.
Our annual KTBA LBL deer hunt turned out to be hot all week, just like last year. Acorns plentiful, deer scarce. Did find several scrapes, and missed a doe checking one one evening, two days latter and no more deer sited from the stand. After walking miles, climbing steep hills carrying treestand and gear, I was about done. Down in the back, tired, discouraged, Heading out on the last evening I almost stayed at camp. Ibuprofen and beating myself up was all that got me to go along. So we parked at a field, beside the road, and a pond. A place I know gets heavy hunting pressure, I climbed a tree not 80 yards from the truck. I can actually SEE the truck. Not my kind of hunting , but at least I was out there. This spot showed signs of lots of traffic, but due to pressure I figured all nocturnal. within an hour a button buck strolls right up to within 15 yards. I was not about to pass on the shot. It was high, and a tad back,but managed to get lung and he went down just out of sight, maybe 60 yards away.
Im sentimental, several things stand out in this hunt, several things other than a rack ! LOL
One, its the 2 nd deer I have taken on our annual hunt, the 4th ive taken at LBL, the bow was a recurve made by an old man in PA by the name of Don Gearhart. Shot with him at KyKlassic many years back. He loaned me one of his bows, and offered to sell it to me at a bargain price. I was broke, and couldn't do it. After years I got contact with him, visited him, and bought three of his bows! Was not even considering this bow, but he mentioned he had killed a deer(s) with it. So it became my "Mojo Bow". Now it has been blooded.
Lastly, was a knife that a friend gave me, which I used to gut ,skin, and process the animal. I gave him the blade blank, abd after getting him started in traditional archery he too his first deer on my farm, on his first hunt, a small buck. He made the knife handle from the antler, made a sheath, and gave it back.
Lastly, was sharing the hunt, and campsite with two good friends Kevin Brown, and Scott Record. We have had some good hunts there, and hopefully, many more.
All this to me means more than trophy recognition, though I will be the first to admit, a big rack would be nice !
You guys keep after them, so will I.