i believe we had a very good turnout for the blanket shoot. hope everyone had fun, and got the prize they were wanting. let me know if you enjoyed the new route that we used. we will use it more often this year. as you know the next shoot will be our two day shoot. we hope to have a ( work detail ) on may11, to cut grass and a lot of weed -eating, to make the course women & kids friendly. again we will be camping out fri. & sat. nite by the clubhouse. if you wish to shoot one class fri. nite, ron mac. will be there and will be in charge of that. also we will be having our sat. evening pitch-in supper around 5 or 6pm. be sure to bring something good to eat. if it needs reheating or chilling be sure to give it to our fantastic free cook, ( suzie ). she will take care of it. pray for good wheather, because we will have good friends all around us. hope to see everyone there. dave