here you go den-den. took my great nephew on a youth hunt sat. in before light, nice and cool with no frost, seen a lot of squaks but no deer. went to a different spot sat. evening. sat in a camo- burlap blind . never seen a deer. learned a lot of patience sitting with an 11 yr. old. took a few treats in with us, they didnt last him very long. i was more frustrated than he was, at not seeing anything but squaks. went sun. morn. very cool. walked through waist high wet weeds on way in to a different spot in orange co. he laid on ground with my fleece jacket and sweater on top of him. didnt take long to hear him sleeping sound, must have wore him out sat. sat for two hrs. then moved about 60 yds to a different spot . five mins. later saw a doe eating acorns about 80 yds. away. got him in position for a shot , she was qrting away when he shot. deer acted funny and didnt run away like they usually do. waited half hr. and went and looked, found blood and followed about 60 yds. when she jumped and ran. waited another half hr. and took up trail, didnt find much blood, didnt look good. seen some buzzards and went and looked and found his little spike buck in a spot we would have never found without the buzzards. never seen a kid that happy, i'm talking about me, my nephew was happy too . lucky thing was he ran toward the road, so he was about one hundred yds. from the road. made my dragging pretty easy. so dont hate those evil looking birds too much, they can come in handy every once in a while. i look forward to going with him again when he learns a little patience, but i feel like that will take him a while...