Never tried the single bevel one Todd, but the double never worked for me... don't know if I put to much pressure on it or what, but they never would get sharp enough for my taste...
I've heard a lot of guys recommend that type of file... never tried it... looks like a fellow could ruin a broadhead pretty quick as aggressive as those teeth are...
I've used a mill file with a double cut and it worked pretty good. and the lil shaver i've had for about 20 years still works great on double bevel. If I don't like this sharpener then I'm out 30 bucks I guess!
Ask Dennis, His arrows have both left and right wing feathers.. On the same arrow. When I first got into archery left wing feathers were cheaper. So I got all left wing stuff! Now it's all the same price. But as far as voting left wing? I would rather gouge my own eyes out!!! GOP!!
Speaking of wing.. I should be getting a Red Wing Slim Line Pro in the mail tomorrow. It's a nice one made around 69. Before they sold to AMF! I can't wait!