BAck when I still used training wheels on my archery equipment, I still shot with my fingers...when my Dad finally got me to start shooting Traditional, I read that you "had" to put that arrow as close to your eye as I changed my anchor point and have had average success. But I felt like I never had a "consistent" and solid anchor. I was watching the "Master of the Barebow" video series after the shoot saturday, and saw one of the "experts" anchoring the way I used too. I grabbed my bow, went to my archery bales and what can I say....It felt groups got tighter....Thank God for "anchor point realization"....Moral of my story....Don't let any expert tell you that you have to anchor here or there to be accurate, go with what works and don't change it.
Very wise words. We have many in the club that are experts in a lot of different fields. The only thing they can tell you is how they do a certain thing. Their way may not work for you. Find your way
Ha, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying to compleatly ignore any advice you may get.
I was watching a small group come off the practice range and head for the course. I won't mention names but I thought to myself, there goes about 610 years worth of combined experience right there. I always try to listen to every word around those fellows
Well anyway I can at least tell you that I sometimes have um.. unconventional ideas and ways of doing things
I think we should respect those that have the experience. It was my fault for changing and then being closed minded about trying something different. But there is a lot of wisdom out there, we all have to be willing to listen and not think we know it all.