I had a great day yesterday. The end of the year picnic was a big hit. We had a lot of people and several whole families there.
Thanks to Dave McKnight and all of his team for the hard work yesterday and all of this year. Goooood job!
The course was set well, but I don't know how many more years I can suffer getting my butt kicked in the "Best of the Best shoot off". Congrats to Steve Wills for the win Said he has been shooting for only one year. Can someone please bring some duct for Ron Nixe's mouth.
Steve that plaque is special. The osage for the boatd was cut in 1949 and belonged to Wendell Miller, a club member who passed away a couple of years ago.
I had a good time too, as well as the family. The little guying has been hollering "bow shoot" all week, and "indians" most of friday-saturday nights. He had a good time, but 40 shots was a bit much for 2 years old, he was draggin' butt, and so was I there at the last. I would have liked to stay longer and shoot the bull with all that make this happen, but duty called (nap time), So i'll just have to do it here. John Nail, I'd like to invite you on a deer hunt down here in KY, Provided you bring some of that squirrel pie !
I had a real good time too. There was plenty of tasty food, including limb chicken pie. The course was set nice too. The shootoff was one of the best I remember. I want to thank Dave for thinking up the money shoots also. I was the big winner of $50, by hitting the ace of spades They said it was just pure luck, but the ace was right next to the one I was shootin at That to me is skill Congrats Steve W. I've got plenty of pictures that I'll get to Dan.
Congrats on the 50 dollar win, Dennis! I heard your accuracy shook Dave up so bad, he had to get someone else to present you with your cash prize! Limb chicken, now that's funny, I don't care who you are!
I can see the zero's comin out of that turkey's mouth as I walk to the target!