Hey, Where's Dennis? I need to see if you folks got the '09 shoot schedule set up yet. Critney and I are trying to set the date for the next Heartland bow fest in Morgantown. We were thinking the weekend of April the 18th if you guys weren't having a shoot then.
Hey Chris. We shoot the first and third saturday of the month for the first three months. After that it's the third saturday of each month. April 18th is a shoot date. I'm really glad you'all gonna do it again. Hopefully it will work out for everyone.
Well I guess that means its gonna be on the 4th or the 25th. The weekend of the 12th is Easter so that's out. The last weekend of the month is during turkey season and its getting awful close to Pappy's in Tennessee. I guess it runs all week from the 27th on to the 3rd of May. So it looks like the Morgantown bow diddle hoe down is gonna be takin place on the 4th of April this year( Edit) Well, just got off the phone with Critney and I guess Nancy's shoot down in Cain-Tuck is on the 4th. So its gonna have to be the last weekend in May. May 29th through the 31st is it until I run into some other hurdle! I'll get a link up here afore too long to the updated site. Thanks Dennis. I just hope the weather is a bit better!