I saw two road kills the other day John . That's about it. Now here in town they are getting thick as fleas. Good side to that is, maybe they will get overpopulated enough to start spilling over into the country. Maybe it's due to cover and farming practices here but a friend who lives up North around Middlebury says they have plenty of the critters. Talked to a salesman last week from IL and he says they have plenty too.
You up to a squirrel hunt with firelocks over the Holidays ?
I do not seek the good of others as a sanction for my right to exist, nor do I recognize the good of others as a justification for their seizure of my property or their destruction of my life.- Hank Rearden
You huntin' with dogs or kicking brush piles? I don't have any beagles, but if you and a couple other guys have access to some dogs, I can probably round up a place or two that usually has some bunnies. A group of my friends and I hunt a spot once a year in Switz. Co, they use shotguns and I tag along with my recurve. We usually take 8 to 15 rabbits between us. Maybe sometime around mid-January.