I have this white squirrel that runs around the yard but I don't have a pot pir recipe?
I've got the recipe. but that one should be left alone or mounted.. Thats really cool Norm!
GEN: 27/3
Here in KY we "mount" everything !
my point exactly!
You should introduce that white strain into the wild. They would be easier to see.
BTW, what is "Pop" pie?
First you pop a squirrel and then you put him in a pie
In your case you thunk one
I thought "pop" pie was a pie with a soft drink in the recipe.
bambi wrote:First you pop a squirrel and then you put him in a pieIn your case you thunk one
I "thunk" one this morning, but then I woke up
I know that to be true.
John, the only reason that this whit squirrel comes into my yard is because he has seen me shoot the bow and knows he is in no danger.
Howie wrote:John, the only reason that this whit squirrel comes into my yard is because he has seen me shoot the bow and knows he is in no danger.
Maybe you could try "Grinnin'" him. It worked for Davey Crockett
Hell John the squirrel is already grinning at my shooting.......