These guys all came back undeliverable when I emailed out the schedules, if you run into any of them, have them shoot me an email. They can contact me from this site, or from the That'll be easier than remembering my address.
Dan, Darren Shue moved to Pennsylvania several years ago.
I do not seek the good of others as a sanction for my right to exist, nor do I recognize the good of others as a justification for their seizure of my property or their destruction of my life.- Hank Rearden
This reminds me, I have not seen Lou Church in a long long time. Anyone heard from him ?
I do not seek the good of others as a sanction for my right to exist, nor do I recognize the good of others as a justification for their seizure of my property or their destruction of my life.- Hank Rearden
Tim I talked to Bill Branum at the shoot last Sept. He was having elbow or shoulder problems and hadn't been shooting any if I recall. I asked him about Lou and he said he hadn't talked to him in a long time. He said he would try to get ahold of him. Darren comes down every year to Johns bowmakin deer shoot in late Oct. I've seen Herb Haines name somewhere on the internet I think selling broadheads. Croizer is Andy's last name. Terry Reciever was living up around Indy and killed a turkey on a buddy of mine's farm a couple years back. Gene was or is pres. of Ktba. Dave is out of archery as far as I know, as he couldn't stand the pressure of shootin against Redtail every shoot. DEN
Gayle Crozier is Andy's dad... He was one of the administrators at Madison schools when I was growing up...
If I'm not mistake Terry Receveur moved to New York a couple of years ago... email shown on Tradgang is Don't know if that's up to date or not...
Darren does live in Pennsylavnia... I have his phone number around here somewhere... I'll see if I can get a hold of him...
PS Missed you guys last Saturday... work often gets in the way... I'm hoping to be there on the 17th...
Here is the current e-mail address for Gayle Crozier: He doesn't shoot as much as he used to, he's fighting leukemia (and winning I may add). I'm sure he'll come with me to a shoot or two this year. I wasn't able to make any last year and I sure missed them, but I will be at several this year.
To know what is right, and not do it, is the worst form of cowardice.