That place looks good to me. It's only 9.5 hours out of Louisville. The only bad part is driving through Atlanta. You don't want to have John driving when you go through there. Me and Tim already witnessed his road rage one time going through Lexington.
The prices don't seem too bad considering you get 2 hogs. I wonder how it compares to Shiloh as far as number of hogs. DEN
They may not have the hogs concentrated as well as Shiloh, but one should be able to walk all over the place and spot&stalk all day long. Depending on how many people go one could divide the groups in pairs and keep the hogs moving.
Humm. The grandson been wanting to hog hunt. I told him he's gotta be 18 yrs old before I'd take him in case he gets his leg tore off . He turns 18 in Jan.
I'll have to count my pennies. Jim Cowels want's to go next time and I bet Mr. French would go also. John? Tim?