While we long range plan a hog hunt, how about planning an adventure for the near future ? Squirrel season is only a month and half away. The two Johns and I stumped over some awfully pretty country a while back in the HNF out near Freetown. I'm thinking an early Saturday morning rendezvous out there, hike in a mile or two, set up a base camp, hunt all day,spend the night, and hunt some on Sunday and then hike out. We would probably want to have someone from around there drop us off and keep our truck safe at their house. French and I between us should know someone. Our m/loading club used to do the same type of thing and it was a lot of fun.With the smokepoles we were more nearly guaranteed meat to eat, but it's not that hard to pack light and take food in. What say you ? I feel my woodcrafting skills need some practice. Been a while.
I do not seek the good of others as a sanction for my right to exist, nor do I recognize the good of others as a justification for their seizure of my property or their destruction of my life.- Hank Rearden