I Sure enjoyed shooting down there again. I havn't gotten to shoot much all summer(my score should prove that) Boys, Dennis is making a neat looking pocket stove. I hereby volunteer to test it on bow-killed squirrels!
John, bow killed squirrels taste better no matter what their cooked on. I'll fix you up if you can make the Aug. 18th shoot. I started a pot of coffee for me and Ronald on that stove this morning. It was a 9cup pot, which is asking a lot for a little stove like that. After a few minutes of nothing happening we went back inside. Then Ron had to go, and we had to run somewhere. I went out and threw a few chunks of bulk charcoal in it and we left for about a half hour. When we got back I went out and had coffee Then I put a couple briquetts on it and stuck a pot of pole beans on it. About every hour or so I'd stir the beans and throw two more chunks on. At 5:00 pm they were done. I,ve got to play around with it more and figure it out. I know it makes an excellent pocket crok pot DEN